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It is rumored that the Korean government plans to spend 1 trillion won in the next 5 years to develop AI semiconductors

06/28/2022 Korea, AI semiconductor, semiconductor, Samsung, foundry


(The picture comes from the Internet)

  Recently, the "Korea Central Daily" reported that the South Korean government plans to spend 1 trillion won in the development of AI semiconductors in the next five years.

  The report pointed out that South Korea's Ministry of Science and Technology has decided to invest about 1.02 trillion won in the research and development of AI semiconductor cutting-edge technology in the next five years, and expand cooperation with AI leading countries in PIM, semiconductor, and next-generation neural network processing. Joint research on equipment, system software, etc.

  In the next year, the local government of South Korea plans to launch the Korean-made AI semiconductor to build the data center project with the largest semiconductor demand.

  According to relevant data, in 2021, South Korea's total semiconductor exports will reach 128 billion US dollars, accounting for about 20% of its total exports.

  As we all know, South Korea occupies a pivotal position in the global semiconductor field. According to recent data released by TrendForce, in the first quarter of 2022, Samsung ranked second among the top ten global foundries, with a market share of 16.3%, second only to TSMC.

  In addition, in the field of memory, Samsung and SK Group (SK Hynix + Solidigm) have an important voice in the market.

  Parts of materials of this site come from the internet, please contact if there is infringement

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